News List
President of the France-Japan Foundation (FFJ) of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) visits Vice President BENTON
Professor of Indiana State University visits Vice President KIGOSHI and Vice President BENTON
Staff Development Seminar "Presentation Workshop -Presenting the University of Tsukuba in 365体育投注-" for AY 2019
Notice: Temporary Closure of University of Tsukuba Gallery and Art Space
SAKURA Exchange Program in Science
Delegation led by Vice-Chancellor Ebenezer Oduro Owusu of the University of Ghana visits President NAGATA
Staff Development Seminar "International Strategy of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" for AY 2019
Professor NINOMIYA of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil visits President NAGATA
Meeting between Vice Presidents and Members of the Student Representative Conference (Zendaikai)
Holding of a SAFE LIVING Seminar
Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan visits President NAGATA
The Prize winners in the 365体育投注 contest of the Art Writer Award for High School Students
Nature INDEX Pick-up
Leader Training for the Extracurricular Activity Groups for AY 2019
About the provision of data for visually impaired people, etc. to National Diet Library
President NAGATA attends the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between Tsukuba City and the City of Bochum in Germany
The 39th Tsukuba Marathon
Rector of the Uzbek State World Languages University visits President NAGATA
Exchange between the President and Students
Professor of the University of Brasilia visits Vice President BENTON