Director General of Bureau of Global Initiatives Visits Savitribai Phule Pune University

On July 24, Executive Officer OHNEDA Osamu, Director General of Bureau of Global Initiatives visited Savitribai Phule Pune University in Pune, India, and had a meeting with Vice Chancellor Sureshi Gosavi, Pro-Vice Chancellor Parag Kalkar, and Director Vijay Khare of International Centre. During the meeting, they actively exchanged views on the possibility of future collaboration between Savitribai Phule Pune University and our university.
On the same day, Director Ohneda visited the Department of Foreign Languages at Pune University and exchanged views with Head Swati Acharya and Dr Manasi Shirgurkar, Coordinator, Master's course in Japanese Language on future cooperation in the field of Japanese language education. He also visited a class of Master's course in Japanese Language, which currently has 12 students enrolled, and introduced our university's Japanese language teacher training course.
Further cooperation between Savitribai Phule Pune University and our university is expected in the future.