Prof. ISODA Masami Receives Honorary Professor from Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso
On 16 March 2023, Prof. ISODA Masami, Faculty of Human Sciences was awarded the title of Honorary Professor by Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (PUCV), Chile from Vice Gran Canciller, Fare Cristian Ehin and Rector, Dr. Nelson Vazquez. Prof. ISODA was recognized for his direct contribution to the reform of mathematics education in Chile for 18 years with collaboration of Intitiuto de Mathematicas (IMA) PUCV, in areas such as Lesson Study and National textbook development. Prof. ISODA is the first Honorary Professor on the 50 years' history of IMA. At the award ceremony on the 40 participants from IMA, Prof. Raimundo Olfos (Former President, Sociedad Chilena de Educacion Mathematica: SOCHIEM) and past Vice-President Arturo Mena (Past President of SOCHIEM) with support of Soledad Estrella (Vice-President of SOCHIEM), and Prof. Roberto Araya, Centro de Investigacion Avanzada en Educacion (CIAE), Universidad de Chile, explained the achievements of Prof. ISODA.
This is the third title which Prof. ISODA has been awarded, having received an honorary doctorate from Khon Kaen University, Thailand (2011) and an honorary professor from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru (2014).

From left, Vice Gran Canciller, Fare Cristian Ehin, Prof. ISODA and Rector, Dr. Nelson Vazquez

Prof. Orfos explained the achievements of Prof. ISODA

Prof. ISODA expressed his gratitude

Award Ceremony(Left side, Prof. Arturo Mena)