SEAMEO Director made a courtesy call to our President and MEXT Assistant Minister
On March 1st, Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela (Director) and Mr John Arnold Siena (Deputy Director for Programme Development), Dr Kamaleswaran Jayarajah (Research Evaluation and Assessment Specialist), Ms Piyapa Su-angavatin (Knowledge Management Manager) and Ms Pitchayawadi Arreenich (Knowledge Management Officer) from SEAMEO Secretariat made a courtesy call to MEXT in order to report on 11th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium and to discuss further collaboration with MEXT. A fruitful discussion was made with the MEXT members including Ms OKAMURA Naoko (Assistant Minister / Director - General for International Affairs Secretary-General, Japanese National Commission for UNESCO).
On March 2nd, they made a courtesy call to our President Dr NAGATA Kyosuke of University of Tsukuba in order to report the summary for 11th SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Symposium and to discuss further collaboration with University of Tsukuba.

Group photo at the courtesy call to MEXT

Director Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela
Director (left) and MEXT Assistant Minister /
Director - General for International Affairs
Secretary-General, Ms OKAMURA Naoko (right)

President Dr NAGATA (left) and Director Dr Ethel (right)

Group photo at the courtesy call to President Dr NAGATA of University of Tsukuba