Final Presentation and Completion Ceremony for the Intensive Japanese Course for Monbukagakusho Scholarship Students for the Class of October 2019
The completion ceremony for the Intensive Japanese Course for the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship students who entered the University of Tsukuba in October 2019 was held at the University of Tsukuba Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC) on February 6.
The students gave slide and poster presentations about their home countries in Japanese before the ceremony. They then exchanged opinions during a question and answer period after the presentations in which there was a lively exchange of opinions to answer constructive questions from their teachers and tutors. At the completion ceremony, Professor USUYAMA Toshinobu of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Director of the Foreign Language Education Division, CEGLOC) made a congratulatory speech.
A total of 10 international students including 2 in the Japanese Language Course and 8 in the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course have completed the Intensive Japanese Course at CEGLOC and got basic Japanese language skills to support their trouble-free academic life in Japan. They are planning to stay in Japan for another year, and by participating in various events on and off-campus, they are expected to become more familiar with the Japanese language and culture and advance their own research.
The students who entered the Intensive Japanese Course starting from April 2019 are from the following nations:
Israel, Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, New Zealand, Brazil, and Malawi

Commemorative group photo after the ceremony
Indonesia (West Kalimantan)
New Zealand