Professor of Indiana State University visits Vice President KIGOSHI and Vice President BENTON
On December 23, 2019, Professor WENG Qihao of Indiana State University in the US made a courtesy visit to Vice President KIGOSHI Hideo (Research), Vice President BENTON Caroline F. (Global Affairs), Dean MATSUMOTO Hiroshi of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, and Associate Professor MATSUSHITA Bunkei of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences.
Professor WENG will be staying from December 10, 2019 till January 8, 2020, under the Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
In the visit, Vice President Benton gave an outline of the University of Tsukuba. Subsequently, they exchanged opinions and shared ideas on future research exchange.

During the meeting

Professor WENG (left) and Vice President KIGOSHI (right)

From left: Vice President KIGOSHI, Professor WENG, Vice President BENTON, Dean MATSUMOTO, and Associate Professor MATSUSHITA.