The Prize winners in the 365体育投注 contest of the Art Writer Award for High School Students

On November 30, 2019, the Prize winners in the 365体育投注 contest were announced.
Among 51 applications from 12 countries, 12 entries are awarded as follows:
-Grand Prize (one entry)
-Award for Excellence (four entries)
-Winning Entries (seven entries)
Grand Prize (one entry)
Mana Davies-Cooke (The Grey Coat Hospital, UK) "Tower ? reflections on 'In Praise of Shadows' by Junichiro Tanizaki"
Award for Excellence (four entries)
Hilda Ivanova (18th "William Gladstone" School, Bulgaria) "The meadow"
Kate Lo (R. A. McMath Secondary School, Canada) "One Step Closer"
Meenakshi Pramod Nair (Roma Mitchell Secondary College, Australia) "Toska"
Saanvi Wadhwa (Amity International School, India) "The Clash of Doctrines"
Winning Entries (seven entries)
Evelyn de Gruyther (Ribston Hall High School, UK) "Art is Experience"
Anant Lamba (Amity International School, India) "Artistic Imperfections"
Aida Rasekhi (Roma Mitchell Secondary College, Australia) "My journey back to art"
Zhang Shuyi (Xiamen yingcai school, China) "The spirit of craftsmen in the depths of the desert"
YuTao Si (R.A. McMath Secondary School, Canada) "Nature, the Soul"
Toki Miono (土岐美桜乃 青森県立青森高等学校 Aomori High School, Japan) "Nebuta is not only visual art"
Winita Wangsrikhun (The Prince Royal's College, Thailand) "Flightless Birds"