Holding Sports Exchange with the Chinese University Student Delegation
A Chinese university student delegation visiting Japan under the Japan-China International Solidarity Project on Afforestation and Tree-planting, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, visited the University of Tsukuba for sports exchange with the Table Tennis Club and the Badminton Club on November 13. In the welcome ceremony, Vice President Shinobu Satoh (Student Affairs) and the representative of the delegation gave a greeting address and exchanged souvenirs.
Students of the delegation, who were nervous at first, reinforced friendship through sports. Towards the end of the game, they had an active exchange and were all smiles. At the dinner party after the event, Chinese international students of the university joined as a translator voluntarily, so that they could share the topics about daily life and sports. It was a fruitful opportunity for students to promote international exchange.

Vice President Shinobu Satoh exchanged souvenirs

Sports Exchange, table tennis

Students after badminton games

At the dinner party with Chinese university students