President Meeting with Students
An exchange between the president and students was held on October 16. This meeting has been held twice a year since 2013 as an opportunity for exchange between President Nagata and the students. From the last academic year, the meeting consists of two parts.
The first part was a forum that was held on a prepared dialogue theme and was moderated by Advisor to the President Jun Ikeda. President Nagata, Vice President for Education Satoshi Shimizu, Vice President for Student Affairs Shinobu Satoh and undergraduate students from each school including international students attended.
The second part was an exchange party hosted by the Head of the Student Support Office Nobuhiro Kaga at the Restaurant Plaza "Tsukuba Demi", also attended by teachers and staff including the Vice Presidents, Executive Officers, Deans, and related office's Directors besides the participants in the first part. A total of 57 students including 8 international students and 26 teachers and staff attended. It was a great opportunity for students to talk face to face with the President, other schools' students, and teachers and staff.

First part: Forum between the president and students (president: second from the right at the table in the back of the room)

Second part: Exchange party