Holding of the "Study in Japan Fair" in Peru and Brazil
The "Study in Japan Fair" was held at the National University of San Marcos in the Republic of Peru on August 22 and at the Centro Cultural Peruano Japones on the 24th. Subsequently, it was also held at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in the Federative Republic of Brazil on August 27.
As part of the Study in Japan Global Network Project (South America) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology entrusted to the University of Tsukuba, this Study in Japan Fair was hosted by our university and conducted with a call for the participation of universities throughout Japan.
The Study in Japan Fair held in the National University of San Marcos had 590 participants, mostly university students. At the overall explanatory meeting in the morning, a scholarship supported by Japanese diplomatic establishments abroad and the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) was explained, and participating universities were introduced. In the afternoon, counseling was executed individually and participants enthusiastically were collecting information surrounding the table of participating institutions.
Holding the fair on Saturday in the Centro Cultural Peruano Japones, a total of 150 people including mostly families and persons of Japanese descent visited. For the first trial, a company information session was held concurrently supported by the Peruvian and Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIPJ). Starting with the opening address given by President Makoto Nakamura of CCIPJ, the session provided each company profile and information on career path after graduation in Japan through individual consultation, with the cooperation of 4 major Japanese companies.
The fair held in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro had 590 participants, mostly university students. At the overall explanatory meeting in the morning, 140 participants listened with attention. Counseling was executed individually and many participants received related information provided by participating organizations and returning international students throughout the day.
[Number of participants and participating institutions]
-August 22, 2019, National University of San Marcos: 590 visitors, 3 local universities, 1 local corporation, 11 universities providing brochures
-August 24, 2019, Centro Cultural Peruano Japones: 150 visitors, 4 local universities, 1 local corporation, 9 universities providing brochures, 4 companies providing company profiles
-August 27, 2019, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: 1320 visitors, 5 local universities, 1 local corporation, 13 universities providing brochures

Commemorative photo at the National University of San Marcos on August 22

Opening address given by President Makoto Nakamura of CCIPJ at the Centro Cultural Peruano Japones on August 24

Scene at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro