

Make Tsukuba City a Theme Park in 365体育投注, Word Association Game held on Global Village of the University of Tsukuba

On November 23 and 24, a word association game with international students entitled "Make Tsukuba City a Theme Park in 365体育投注" hosted by the Tsukuba International Association and co-hosted by Tsukuba Global Academic Service Co., Ltd. and Global Commons was held on the premises of Global Village.

This event was held for junior and senior high school students living and staying in Tsukuba intended for them to learn foreign languages, be exposed to foreign cultures, and be interested in communication and international understanding. Trough participating in pair work and group work on predefined themes: "Nature and History in Tsukuba" and "Internationalization of Tsukuba" assuming Tsukuba City as a theme park, it gave an opportunity to think with international students of our university.

On the first day, starting with the lectures titled "Mt. Tsukuba Area Geopark" given by Dr. Shiro Tamanyu, Former Researcher of the Geological Museum, and the lectures titled "What is Globalization?" given by Associate Professor Chisato Kameda, Economics and Informatics Department of Tsukuba Gakuin University, and then twelve junior and senior high school students and eight international students of our university had a brainstorming session on each theme by groups, through writing on sticky notes in 365体育投注.

On the second day, they further discussed and deepened their opinion of the previous day, and then with the wise advice of Professor Rakwal Randeep of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences and Assistant Professor Matthew Wood of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences who attended as commentators, and released a report as a group presentation at the end.

This was a great opportunity for the junior and senior high school students to have an experience of cross-cultural exchange while feeling an intimate connection with places overseas, by directly talking with international students on the difference of culture and society of foreign countries and regions, and they also enjoyed expressing their own opinion and speaking up.

It provided a rewarding meeting with the active communication throughout the event and exchange during lunch while the participants and international students of our university have a conversation. Our university will further expand various activities to increase the number of youths who are spreading their wings around the world from Tsukuba.

Group photo of participants

Scene at a group discussion

Participants in presentation