President Nagata attends the National Taiwan University (NTU) 90th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony
The National Taiwan University (NTU) 90th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony was held on November 15 at Taipei. President Kyosuke Nagata attended the ceremony as an international guest.
President Nagata gave a celebration speech as a guest speaker that the exchange between National Taiwan University and our University has a long history, in 2007 having concluded an exchange agreement, in 2009 starting with the exchange between Former President of NTU Pan-Chyr Yang and other friends of NTU, and the University of Tsukuba in The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) at Taipei, we got more momentum to our mutual exchange. He talked emotionally that after Dr. Pan-Chyr Yang and his appointment as the president of each university, in 2014 we entered the Campus-in-Campus (CiC) partnership as members of a university league across the world under the CiC vision which is the main part of the Top Global University Japan Program.
Under the circumstance of todays' global academic world, keen competition among universities is getting more serious, in which we are aware of the demand for raising research power, industrial power, and fruitful results, President Nagata stressed that NTU and the University of Tsukuba are to strengthen the relationship on advanced research, nurturing of entrepreneurs, and industry-university collaboration, not to mention the results of our exchanges thus far.