Holding of the International Alumni Networking Event (2018.11.3)

Alumni Speech
Address of Osamu Ohneda, Director of the Office of Global Initiatives
The International Alumni Networking Event was held, co-organized by Global Commons, the Office of Global Initiatives, and Division of Career Services of the University of Tsukuba on November 3 (Saturday).
This event was hosted during the school festival of the University of Tsukuba (Sohosai; from November 2 (Friday) to 4 (Sunday)) with the goals of sharing a brief oasis, having a good time down memory lane, and mutually extending the network by the common "bond" in the "University of Tsukuba" from interactions with other alumni, current students, faculty members, and employees while actual feeling "what's really going on" at one's cherished alma mater through the Sohosai.
There were about 50 participants who are mainly members of the alumni associations of international students and commencing with a description of the employment situation after graduation of international students from the Division of Career Services, this day marks a great opportunity for better relations with OBOG, with sempais giving practical advice on job hunting, providing information sharing and networking between the alumni associations of international students and current students.
We will present opportunities to further extend the network in various ways for the continued growth of alumni associations of international students from our university while promoting cooperation with numerous alumni association networks, etc. at home and abroad.
Description of the employment situation of international students by the Division of Career Services