

President Nagata and Vice President Benton participate in U.S.-Japan University Partnerships Dialogue during the ACE Meeting

Commemorative group photo

On March 10, 2018, President Kyosuke Nagata and Vice President Caroline Benton participated in the U.S.-Japan University Partnerships Dialogue, which was organized in conjunction with the American Council of Education's (ACE) 100th Annual Meeting held in Washington D.C.

As chair of the Japan Committee of Universities for International Exchange (JACUIE), President Nagata was invited as one of the speakers. Key areas of discussion were ways to increase student exchange between U.S. and Japanese higher education institutions, ways to promote virtual linkages, among other topics. Vice President and Executive Director for Global Affairs, Caroline Benton, served as the MC for the roundtable discussion. She is also the Expert Advisor of the International Exchange Committee of the Japanese Association of National Universities (JANU).

JANU and ACE jointly signed an agreement aimed at strengthening U.S.-Japan higher education collaboration after the roundtable discussion.

Agreement signed to strengthen U.S.-Japan higher education collaboration (2nd from right is President Nagata)