

Judo Team Members Make a Courtesy Visit to President Nagata

Members of the University of Tsukuba Judo Team made a courtesy visit to the university board of directors on March 1, 2018. The board members included President Kyosuke Nagata, Vice President for Student Affairs Shin-ichi Tamagawa, and Vice President for Education Satoshi Shimizu. The objective was to report on their performance during the 2017 academic year.

The Judo Team members are all in the School of Health and Physical Education: 4th-year student Ms. Aimi Nouchi; 3rd year students Ms. Riho Shibata, Mr. Kenzo Tagawa, and Mr. Takeshi Sasaki; 2nd-year student Mr. Goki Tajima; 1st-year students Mr. Rentarou Nogami, and Mr. Hideyuki Ishigooka.
They were accompanied to the courtesy visit by Associate Professor Hirotaka Okada (Judo Team manager) and Junior Assistant Professor Takashi Ono (Judo Team coach).

All attendees at the courtesy visit reminisced about their performance and expressed their wishes toward the Tokyo Olympics 2020 with the board members. At the end of the meeting, President Nagata and the vice presidents praised the students for their performance and offered them encouraging words.

During the courtesy visit

Commemorative photo

Judo Team's Achievements during the 2017 Academic Year

Ms. Aimi Nouchi (4th-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 63kg category, TAIPEI 2017, 29th Summer Universiade (8/20-8/24, 2017)
- Championship, 63kg category, Zennihon Gakusei Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (9/30-10/1, 2017)
- Second Place, 63kg category, Zennihon Senbatsu Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (4/1-4/2, 2017)
- Second Place, 63kg category, Tunis Grand Prix Tunisia (1/19-21, 2017)

Ms. Megumi Tsugane (4th-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 63kg category, Zennihon Senbatsu Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (4/1-4/2, 2017)
- Second Place, 63kg category, Zagreb Grand Prix 2017 Croatia (9/29-10/1, 2017)
- Third Place, 63kg category, Grand Slam Tokyo 2017 (12/2-12/3, 2017)

Ms. Riho Shibata (3rd-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 57kg category, Zennihon Junior Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (9/9-9/10)
- Third Place, 57kg category, International Belgian Judo Open (2/3-2/4, 2018)


Mr. Kenzo Tagawa (3rd-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 66kg category, Judo Dusseldorf Grand Slam 2018 Germany (2/23-2/25)

Mr. Takeshi Sasaki (3rd-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 81kg category, Kodokanhai Zennihon Judo Tijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (11/11-11/12, 2017)

Mr. Goki Tajima (2nd-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 90kg category, Judo Juniors World Championships Individual and Teams, Zagreb, Croatia (10/18-10/22)

Mr. Rentarou Nogami (1st-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 73kg category, Zennihon Gakusei Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (9/30-10/1, 2017)
- Second Place, 73kg category, Kodokanhai Zennihon Judo Tijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (11/11-11/12, 2017)
- Fifth Place, 73kg category, Judo Grand Slam Tokyo 2017 (12/2-12/3, 2017)

Mr. Hideyuki Ishigooka (1st-year, School of Health and Physical Education)
- Championship, 73kg category, Zennihon Junior Judo Taijubetsu Senshuken Taikai (9/9-9/10)