

Staff Development Workshop to Learn Global Etiquette

Ms. Mariko Sakai giving a lecture on table manners

The University of Tsukuba Global Commons gave a Staff Development (SD) Workshop for the university staff and students, in cooperation with the Global Education Program for Developing Multilingual Human Resources in Japan, NIS and Baltic Countries (Ge-NIS) on November 22. The workshop was held under the theme of "International Etiquette for Beginners?things you should know to be successful on the world stage".

Ms. Mariko Sakai, a human resource development consultant, was invited as a lecturer. Attendees learned some basic etiquette rules about how to display national flags, the seating arrangement, the way to bow properly, exchange of business cards, and table manners, through role-playing. The workshop was a great opportunity to learn religious taboos in different countries, the difference of taboos between Japan and foreign countries, and the difference of French and British table manners.

Some of the feedback afterwards were: "I learned a lot through this workshop"; "I learned a lot I never knew"; "Her lecture was easy to understand with lots of examples"; "It was interesting to learn the historical background".

The Global Commons intends to continue its efforts to promote the internationalization of university staff.

Attendees learning the pronunciation of foreign languages

Ladies first manner when shaking hands

A role-playing session

A lecture on party etiquette