University of Tsukuba Hosts 36 Campus-in-Campus Students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

From July 8 to August 2, 2017, 36 undergraduate students from the university's Campus-in-Campus (CiC) partner, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), are in the Tsukuba campus for a short-term program, the first program under the CiC scheme wherein students take subjects provided through the Course Jukebox system.
The opening ceremony was held on July 11, with Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the University of Tsukuba's Kuala Lumpur Office, Koji Iwamoto, leading the program orientation. It was followed by a welcome speech and presentation about the university from Prof. Jun Ikeda, Chief Advisor to the President and Planning Director of the Top Global University Project.
The university has been developing the Course Jukebox (CJ) system under the Top Global University Project. The UTM students are currently enrolled in the CJ course on Water Environmental Management Technology conducted by Associate Professor Nakao Nomura of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences. In addition, they also attend Japanese language and culture lectures at the university's Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC), visit a local factory, and engage in cross-cultural activities with students on campus.
With this pilot CiC experience, the University of Tsukuba intends to further advance the CiC initiative by promoting more student exchanges through using the Course Jukebox system.