2021年度 - 英語発表
情報伝達力?コミュニケーション力養成 科目群 (0A002**)_2021
科目番号 | 0A00202 |
授業科目名(和文) | 英語発表 |
授業科目名(英文) | 365体育投注 Presentations |
授業形態 | Lectures and class exercises |
標準履修年次 | 1-5 |
開設学期 | Spring C |
曜時限/開講日 | Spring C Intensive 7/8,7/15 9:00~16:00 |
教室 | Online(Asynchronous and Synchronous) |
単位数 | 1 |
担当教員 |
オフィスアワー等 |
教育目標との関連 | This course aims to strengthen communication skills. |
授業の到達目標 | Through the completion of this course, students will: ?Apply basic principles of communication theory to the strategic planning, preparation and delivery of a presentation. ?Evaluate aspects of presentation content, structure, design, and delivery in terms of communicative effectiveness. ?Consider external factors that potentially influence the effectiveness of a presentation (e.g. audience needs, imposed formats, location etc) and plan to accommodate for them. ?Provide constructive critique and assessment in peer evaluation settings. ?Gain experience and develop skills in public speaking, voice control, interpersonal communication, project management, collaborative learning, independent learning, and self-appraisal. |
授業概要 | This course takes the form of a series of discussions on important theories, skills, and techniques, which will greatly improve the effectiveness of your presentations. Topics covered include communication theory, planning a presentation, voice control, and slide design. Finally, all students will apply what they have learned to deliver a presentation to the class. |
Kdb | https://kdb.tsukuba.ac.jp/syllabi/2021/0A00202/jpn/ |
キーワード | Presentation, Communication |
授業計画 | Session 1: Course outline and orientation
Voice control and presentation persona Considerations for slide design |
履修条件 | |
成績評価方法 | Evaluated on participation and performance on assignment tasks. Peer evaluation exercise: 30% (Assessed on demonstrated constructive participation in peer evaluation exercises) Final presentation: 70% (Assessed on demonstrated understanding of relevant principles from the course and appropriate practical application) |
教材?参考文献?配布資料 | Handouts and online materials provided prior to course commencement. Initial contact will be made via Manaba, but thereafter the course will be conduct using Microsoft Teams. |
授業外における学習方法 | A considerable degree of private study is expected in this course. |
その他 | ?This course will be conducted in 365体育投注. This is a flipped format course. Students are expected to revise online content materials before synchronous sessions. Instruction on access and scheduling will be provided after the registration period. |
開講情報 | |
備考 | ?Online (Asynchronous and Synchronous) ?This course will be conducted in 365体育投注. ?TWINS Course registration Period: April 28th(Wed) to Jun 23rd(Wed) 12:00 ?This course is limited to 30 people.(lottery) For details about the course contents,contact Matt Wood [mattwood at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp] |
シラバス英語 |